The debate between tea and coffee, the two most familiar caffeinated beverages globally, revolves around its tastes and value for health. Hence, differentiating between the two often winds up around the Health Benefits of Tea & Coffee, as both of them comprise of caffeine as antioxidants.
What are the Health Benefits of Tea & Coffee?
1. Combating Free Radicals
One of the great usefulness of both tea and coffee is that they generate potent antioxidants to fight free radicals. These radicals are created in the body through the conversion of particular foods into energy, wherein chemicals damage the body cells causing many health disorders.
The natural antioxidants present in tea and coffee have catechin, like flavonoids, which has detoxifying effects on the cells, protecting them from getting affected by free radicals, a primary cause of various ailments, even cancer. Besides, catechins in green tea can prevent the growth of oral bacteria, thereby curbing bad breath.
2. Controlling Weight
For controlling weight, one should start drinking low-calorie tea, especially green tea, and coffee, precisely, black coffee, but avoiding any intakes of sugar and cream with them. Green tea improves the metabolism of the body helping to restrain excess body fat, mainly from the abdominal region. Also, among other advantages of green tea, it has near to zero calories, thereby increasing metabolism, and considerably reducing the fat percentage of the body, overall weight, and size of the waist.
Among the benefits of black coffee, it curbs down the glucose generation in the body, thereby cutting down on the fat cells of the body. Besides, black coffee is a low-calorie drink with no fat or cholesterol within it, thereby mitigating excess water level in the body, and offering a good weight loss procedure.
3. Curbing Heart Diseases
As per the latest researches, cardiologists understand and recommend tea and coffee in the daily routine of a patient with heart disease. Most physicians suggest patients intake coffee every day that will aid in enhancing the calcium production in the arteries which carries blood to the heart. Thus, black coffee rich in antioxidants consisting of Vitamin B2, B3, B5, as well as manganese, potassium, and magnesium helps to build a stronger heart, thereby mitigating chances of any cardiovascular ailments.
Again, green tea improves the antioxidant volume of the blood, thereby controlling the lipoprotein lipase enzyme or the bad cholesterol levels in the body from being oxidized, resulting in a lower risk of heart disease. Hence, individuals consuming around 4 cups of green tea regularly may considerably improve their physical capability and might live longer than others. This is because, caffeine increases the levels of adrenaline or epinephrine in the blood, resulting in enhanced energy levels and swifter body responses.
4. Restraining Liver Ailments
Coffee, especially black coffee is vital for improving the liver and its functionalities in the body. Daily intake of black coffee keeps away liver ailments such as liver cirrhosis and cancer and even hepatitis. Research studies suggest that if a person drinks four mugs of black coffee daily, he reduces the chance of getting affected by any liver diseases. This is due to the fact, that coffee minimizes the effects of toxic liver enzymes present in the blood.
5. Protection from Parkinson’s Disorder
Among other Health Benefits of Tea & Coffee, they help in protecting individuals from Parkinson’s disorder. Research studies point out the fact that caffeine ascertains the early symptoms of this specific neurodegenerative disease. One of the advantages of green tea is that it aids in balancing out the aging process of the brain. As in Parkinson’s disease, dopamine-creating neurons are reduced considerably in the brain, wherein green tea containing amino acid L-theanine improves the dopamine levels, thereby mitigating the effects of depression.
Now, speaking about the benefits of black coffee, it also decreases the risk of getting affected by Parkinson’s disorder, if the patient intakes at least three mugs of black coffee daily. Thus, it aids in maintaining the brain to be fit with active nerves boosting the brain functionalities. Black coffee helps in enhancing the memory capacity of the brain.
6. Suppressing Diabetes
Few cups of tea and coffee, preferably green tea and black coffee play a vital role in controlling the effects of diabetes. Green tea aids in preventing mainly type 2 diabetes as per various research studies. Hence, green tea enhances insulin levels, while mitigating the effects of blood sugar levels in the body. Natural antioxidants present in green tea or regular tea helps the human body to synchronize the blood sugar levels. While regular coffee or the black version also assists in maintaining the blood sugar levels of the body considerably.
7. Dilute Gallbladder Stone Formation
Black coffee especially helps in mitigating the formation of gallbladder stones in the body. Coffee restricts the tiny bits of cholesterol from converting into solid gallstones by maintaining the easy movement of fluid throughout the gall bladder.
8. Useful for Cancer Therapy
It is one of the proven Health Benefits of Tea & Coffee, that they assist in overriding the effects of breast cancer in women, prostate cancer in men, and also colorectal cancer. Tea, especially green tea is particularly rich in polyphenols; naturally found plant-based micronutrients enforced with antioxidants aids to resist different types of cancer. Thus polyphenols provide the body with effective antioxidants to reduce the effect of any oxidative injuries leading to long-term ailments like cancer.
Again, coffee prevents the risk of proliferation of various types of cancer affecting the liver, colon, rectal, and also breast. Coffee has the potentiality to mitigate the effects of swelling in the body, thereby resulting in lesser chances of developing tumors, and cancerous cells.
Final Thoughts
Thus both tea and coffee have their impressive health benefits and taste, but individuals should consume them moderately, or else it might lead to undesirable side effects. Eventually, the choice mostly depends on the individual’s taste and desirable responses.
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